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Consumer Goods
Value Chain Consulting

We help consumer goods companies build value chains
that meet the demands of today’s consumers and markets.

Transforming Consumer Goods Value Chains


Consumer goods value chains are facing considerable pressure: Demand volatility and shifting consumer preferences require organizations to be agile and responsive. Supply chain disruptions, often due to geopolitical issues or natural disasters, can affect production and distribution. Additionally, the need for innovation and technology integration poses challenges in maintaining efficiency and competitiveness. Achieving seamless coordination across global supply chain networks is crucial but complex, requiring robust network design and risk management strategies to ensure value chain resilience and adaptability. Leveraging comprehensive value chain knowledge in the consumer goods industry spanning procurement, manufacturing, distribution, and overarching supply chain management, Camelot’s consumer goods value chain consultants help you navigate these challenges successfully.

Consumer Goods Value Chain Consulting by Camelot

Our consulting practice for consumer goods value chains offers proven industry expertise, emphasizing critical processes such as forecasting, planning, manufacturing, and distribution. Camelot’s consultants go beyond developing future-proof concepts—they offer end-to-end support, from strategic advice to application consulting and implementing cutting-edge technology solutions. Consumer goods manufacturers benefit from our vendor-neutral consulting expertise in advanced planning solutions and our machine-learning capabilities for enhancing forecast accuracy. These are only some reasons why renowned global consumer goods brands such as Unilever, Henkel, and B/S/H are trusting Camelot.

How We Help Clients

Camelot’s consumer goods experts help organizations tackle their most pressing value chain challenges, guiding them from developing customized strategies and concepts to implementing tailored solutions. Camelot’s key areas of expertise include:
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Camelot’s Consumer Goods Practice implements processes and tools designed to elevate demand forecasting by integrating demand sensing and machine learning techniques. Through advanced forecasting, consumer goods companies can achieve a higher degree of accuracy when forecasting customer demands, allowing them to optimize product availability and inventory levels. This ultimately leads to reduced costs, minimized waste, and improved customer satisfaction.
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Implementing Integrated Business Planning

Our experienced consumer goods consultants are the partner of choice for implementing an Integrated Business Planning (IBP) solution. Our approach ensures seamless coordination across various business functions, streamlining decision-making processes and fostering alignment between supply chain, sales, finance, and operations. In the initial design phase, we define efficient processes based on best practices. A customized global template is the focus of the second phase, leading to a successful roll-out in the third and final phase.
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The right supply chain operating model starts from the perspective of your customers. It is the necessary foundation to make your consumer goods supply chain a competitive advantage for your company. Our experienced consultants start by understanding the expectations of your customers and the requirements from your business perspective. To meet both needs we jointly design the core processes, roles and responsibilities, and define the necessary metrics, tools, and capabilities to enable a future-proof supply chain.
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Selecting an Advanced Planning System

Camelot provides vendor-neutral consulting to help you select confidently the right Advanced Planning Solution for your company. Our consumer goods consultants conduct a comprehensive analysis of your specific business needs and objectives and evaluate various solutions on the market. We ensure that the chosen system aligns with your company’s goals, providing you with a thorough comparison of each vendor’s capabilities, strengths, and limitations.
By leveraging our Advanced Planning System vendor database, we quickly identify a shortlist of potential system vendors. Working with these vendors, we work with them to demonstrate showcase relevant use cases to demonstrate to demonstrate system capabilities and actually feeland the allow you to system use experience system use in thereal the real world. Functionality, integration effort, long-term perspective, and life cycle costs are then used to recommend the best system for your specific needs.

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We evaluate your existing manufacturing network to identify areas for improvement and opportunities for efficiency and growth. Starting from your current and future product portfolio our process includes a detailed analysis of core competencies, current production facilities, material flows, and cost structures, allowing us to pinpoint inefficiencies and recommend practical solutions. By designing a tailored manufacturing network strategy that addresses your specific needs, we help you build a manufacturing network that is efficient, flexible, and capable of adapting to evolving market demands.
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We increase quality, productivity, and flexibility in production sites by implementing customized production systems, enabling your workforce, and leveraging the benefits of digital manufacturing technologies. By first assessing your existing capabilities, we identify ways to boost efficiency and reduce manufacturing downtime. Consumer goods companies benefit from operational excellence and focused increase of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), allowing them to adapt quickly to demand changes. The result is a more agile and reliable production environment, primed for long-term success.
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Camelot’s consumer goods industry and logistics experts start by thoroughly assessing your current distribution network and analyzing various elements such as distribution volumes, transportation routes, warehousing locations, and inventory management practices. This comprehensive review allows us to identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement. We the.n work with you to develop a robust distribution structure that enhances service levels while reducing costs, considering the important need to sustainably reduce your CO2 footprint

Working with Industry Leaders

Here is a selection of consumer goods companies that have benefited from our expertise.

Featured Insights


Take advantage of Camelot’s extensive expertise in the consumer goods value chain and our track record of collaborating with top global companies in the industry. Reach out to our consumer goods consulting team today to learn how our end-to-end solutions can transform your value chain strategies, enhance your supply chain, and upgrade your technology infrastructure.

Your Contacts

Libor Kotlik

Managing Partner

Christophe Hudelmaier

Partner Supply Chain Transformation

Companies can optimize the consumer goods value chain by implementing several key strategies. First, they can use advanced forecasting to improve the accuracy of demand forecasting, reducing excess inventory and stockouts. Second, they can implement an Integrated Business Planning (IBP) solution to coordinate cross-functional planning. Enhancing the structure of the manufacturing network and driving operational excellence can boost efficiency and cut costs while increasing flexibility. Third, optimizing the distribution network through better planning, warehousing, and transportation choices can improve speed and reduce expenses. Camelot has a proven track record in helping consumer goods companies develop and implement these strategies.

Manufacturing plays a critical role in the consumer goods value chain as it is the stage where raw materials and components are transformed into finished products. This phase encompasses various processes like production, assembly, quality control, and packaging. Efficient manufacturing ensures that consumer goods are produced to specification, at the right scale, and with consistent quality. It also has a significant impact on cost, sustainability, and speed-to-market. Effective manufacturing practices reduce waste, lower production costs, and ensure timely delivery to retailers and consumers.

Camelot supports industrial manufacturing in designing a future-proof manufacturing network design.

Distribution in the consumer goods value chain is managed through a coordinated network of transportation, warehousing, and logistics systems. It begins with planning and forecasting to ensure products are in the right locations at the right times. Warehousing plays a key role in storing goods before they are dispatched to retailers or directly to customers. Transportation involves selecting the most efficient methods, such as trucking, shipping, or air freight. Logistics companies or internal teams oversee the entire process, ensuring timely delivery, tracking shipments, and addressing any disruptions. An effective distribution network design is crucial for maintaining product availability and customer satisfaction.

Technology has a transformative impact on the consumer goods value chain by enhancing efficiency, visibility, and flexibility. Digital manufacturing technologies and solutions optimize production processes, improving speed and consistency. Machine learning techniques improve demand forecasting and inventory management, reducing waste and preventing stockouts. Advanced planning systems and Integrated Business Planning (IBP) solutions streamline planning processes. Technology also plays a critical role in distribution through real-time tracking, optimizing routes, and reducing delivery times. Overall, technology facilitates better data-driven decision-making, allows for rapid adaptation to market changes, and ultimately boosts customer satisfaction.

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